Volunteers are vital to the success of RRO's ESL, Employment, and Resettlement programs. Clients often need one-on-one assistance to develop their English skills, work on their resumes, and organize their small businesses. While RRO staff respond to numerous program demands, volunteers help provide this one-on-one assistance. Volunteers are a valuable resource to RRO and our clients. Time and energy contributed by our volunteers are critical to our organization's success. We match each volunteer's skills to a program's needs to create unique, productive volunteer opportunities. Our volunteers are students, local community members, and other refugees. All are encouraged to apply.
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Volunteer Application | If you're interested in becoming a volunteer, download and fill out a Volunteer Application and contact us at: 206.323.3152 (press 0 to leave a message) or Email: volunteer@rroseattle.org to schedule an interview.