Volunteers are vital to the success of many of the RRO’s clients. Clients often need one-on-one assistance in order to develop their English skills, work on their resumes, and organize their small businesses. Due to the many program demands placed on the RRO staff, they are not always able to spend as much time as they would like with the clients. That is why volunteers are an important part of our organization.
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| The Refugee Resettlement Office staff belives that volunteers are a valuable resource to us and our clients and that the time and energy contributed by our volunteers are critical to the success of our organization's efforts to fullfill its mission. Our goal is to develop a well coordinated and sustainable volunteer program that matches the interests and skills of volunteers to the needs of our programs. To further this goal, our staff members are encouraged to assist in the creation of meaningful roles in which volunteers might serve to increase the capacity of our various programs and to assist in the recruitment of volunteers from the community.
For current volunteer positions and job descriptions click here.