Millions of people become refugees after escaping tyranny, poverty, destruction, and persecution at home. Every year, some gain permanent residence in a resettlement country such as Australia, France, Canada, or the United States. They may find themselved in Seattle, Washington. One of 14 organizations, such as Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) will greet these new arrivals and help them build a new life. The Diocese of Olympia's Refugee Resettlement, an affilliate of EMM, has provided needed assistance to over 15,000 refugees since opening its doors in 1978. This assistance can be food and shelter, orientation to Seattle, ESL, job search assistance, workplace training, micro-savings and micro-finance programs, financial literacy education. The Refugee Resettlement Office primarily serves Seattle but also reaches out to low income refugees and, immigrants in greater King, Pierce and Snohomish counties.
Our Mission
The Diocese of Olympia's Refugee Resettlement Office helps newcomers, citizens and the working poor achieve economic self-sufficiency. Our mission is accomplished through job placement activities and business development that promotes self-employment.
There are six main sources of services available through the RRO:
1.Resettlement 2.Job Development 3. Jump Start (Micro-Enterprise Development) 4.Individual Development Accounts 5.Social Services 6.English as a Second Language (ESL) Classes
Watch Now: Episcopal Migration Ministries
Watch Now: A Future with Hope by Church World Service Resettled refugees tell their stories--along with congregations and community members who welcomed them to the U.S. Excerpted from a longer (15:25) DVD available from Church World Service:
Support Your Local Community! Support Refugee Resettlement Office!
Your donation supports our vital programs and strenghtens our community. Refugees have escaped tyranny, persecution, destruction and extreme poverty. No human being should ever experience these conditions, yet our clients utilize all programs available to rebuild their lives.
To find out more about how you can become a supporter of one of our programs or how to sponsor our ESL students, please follow the link to our Donations website by clicking here.
Click on the logo to visit the Episcopal Migration Ministries, our local affiliate, website:
To visit the Diocese of Olympia Episcopal Church click on the image below:
We would like to thank all last year's donors, whose contributions strengthened our programs and enabled us to provide more help to the Seattle area refugee community. Willis R Brown Grace Church Robert Scott Cline and Carolyn L Cohen Gina M Cohen Leslie A Dutton Gary Epstein and Susan Kunimatsu Mark Hope Duane L Jonlin Glenn W Kadish and Jeanette O Heard Paul Kassen M Sue McCabe Ira Rubinstein Edward M Siegel Construction Linda Rose Slater David J Thouless Ann Thurley Trinity Thrift Shop
and Dayna Provitt and all the parents and children at the King Street Cooperative Preschool who annually organize a Holiday Gift and Toy Drive for the Refugee Resettlement Office kids.